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âž¡ Newsletter TheBoldWay
In this new episode, we meet with artist, designer, entrepreneur, activist Oskar Metsavaht, founder of the Brasilian brand Osklen.
I loved interviewing Oskar, I hope you'll enjoy listening to him as much as I did!
«We can use the natural ressources, but we have to keep it the same or better for the next generation.»
What you will learn in this episode :
- Oskar's pathway
- The genesis of Osklen
- His conception of luxury and sustainability
- What makes Osklen design and products different from the others
- What does he says to people telling him he is doing greenwashing
- How we can accelerate this sustainable movement
- How can we make sustainability cool
- Why the coolest influencers do not put the sustainability on the table
- The importance to start even though this is not perfect
- How does he stay optimistic
- The importance of being activist
«We [the fashion industrie] can be great protagonists of the change we want to see on the planet.»
References :
Osklen https://osklen.com/
Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia.  Â