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This episode was recorded in live at IFM as part of the Paris Gallery Weekend that is bringing together around 50 galleries in Paris during one weekend (from the 17th to the 19th of May 2019).This episode is co produced with ThérÚse Boon Falleur from A Magazine Curated By , the bi annual magazine that explore a fashion creator univers, the next one will be released at the end of the month.The podcast is also produced with Marie Delas from The Paris Gallery Weekend.My guest today is slightly different than usual, she is coming from the art world and she is the founder of THE ART GORGEOUS (check TAG Instagram it is great) her name is Cordelia Noe and the topic of the day is: What happens behind the scenes when the Art and the Fashion worlds collaborate together?Je partage chaque vendredi dans ma newsletter des actus, des outils, des process et des stratégies pour vous aider à monter votre marque. Inscrivez-vous sur www.entreprendredanslamode.comPour soutenir le podcast:1. S'inscrire sur Entreprendre dans la mode pour ne rater aucun épisode.2. Mettre 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcast pour aider d'autres entrepreneurs et acteurs de la mode à découvrir le podcast.3. Vous pouvez aussi me soutenir en participant au financement de ce projet sur : Théo Darcel See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et rĂ©alisĂ© par Adrien Garcia.  Â