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Squarespace – La révolution no-code pour créer un site web beau, simple et efficace. Pas besoin d’être développeur ni codeur pour pouvoir l’utiliser.
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Hans Boodt Mannequins – Le studio de production de mannequins de vitrine qu’il vous faut
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Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring – Découvrez l’affacturage avec les épisodes de la saison 2 « En route vers l’affacturage »
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Embark on a journey to meet the renowned British designer Sir Paul Smith. During our interview, Paul enthusiastically shared his journey, from his beginnings as a cycling enthusiast to the creation of his iconic brand. He discussed his vision of creativity, sustainability, and business management, emphasizing the importance of an open mind, humility, and nurturing curiosity to remain inspired and innovative. Paul also revealed his life philosophy, highlighting that each day is a new beginning, and shared anecdotes about the unexpected popularity of his creations. The episode pays tribute to Paul's wisdom and success, and I hope it proves as beneficial for you as it has for me.

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TheBoldWay newsletter is a short but impactful email every Thursday with exclusive content, ideas, and resources to help you grow and innovate. PLUS, when you sign up, you receive the best of the podcast: the 12 most important lessons I've learned from nearly 400 interviews, as well as the playlists of my favorite and most listened to episodes. To sign up, click here!

 Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia. 

Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia.  Â