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In this new extract, the guest of the latest episode, Stefano Marionetto, takes us into the fascinating world of Fashion, shedding light on the visionary brand, Coperni. Stefano delves into the heart of his collaboration with the brand, offering insights into the compelling reasons behind his decision to invest in this promising label through Tomorrow London Ltd, which he co-founded in 2010. He shares his firsthand experiences with the founders of the brand, articulating the motivations that drove this investment, and traces the evolution of this significant partnership.

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TheBoldWay newsletter is a short but impactful email every Thursday with exclusive content, ideas, and resources to help you grow and innovate. PLUS, when you sign up, you receive the best of the podcast: the 12 most important lessons I've learned from nearly 400 interviews, as well as the playlists of my favorite and most listened to episodes. To sign up, click here!

 Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia. 

Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia.  Â