Savoir pour faire

Savoir pour faire - CSF Mode & Luxe et OPCO 2I

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à qui sont les mains qui fabriquent chaque jour la mode et le luxe français ? Derrière chaque vêtement, chaque accessoire et chaque objet, il y a des femmes et des hommes qui perpétuent au quotidien des gestes et transmettent leur passion. Dans le podcast Savoir pour faire, nous allons vous emmener à la rencontre de ces amoureux du savoir-faire. Des anonymes qui détiennent un savoir précieux pour faire la mode et le luxe de demain. Aujourd’hui, ces femmes et ces hommes de l’ombre, qu’ils soient ouvrier(e)s, artisan(e)s, dirigeant(e)s d’entreprises ou institutionnels, nous racontent depuis les coulisses, leur métier, leur passion, leur envie de transmission d’un savoir-faire unique. Parce qu’aujourd’hui, en France, il y a plus que jamais la nécessité d’assurer la relève de ces métiers d’exception. Une production Double Monde

Saison 1 - Épisode 45 - 04/05/2023
Infiltrating a fashion house in the middle of Fashion Week is a challenge. It's electric energy and last-minute alterations means everyone is busy. Like a conductor, the technical director of the workshops is there to make all the impossible possible. Then there is the small matter of over-seeing the manufacturing process to completion. Bruno Barbier is the Karayan of Balmain. His experience of more than 30 years in fashion with the greatest designers has also forged in him the desire to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. Attention: 3, 4 (as the conductor would say to start the concert) let's go! Have you ever wondered who is behind the hands that make fashion and luxury items every day? Behind every piece of clothing, every accessory and every object, there are men and women perpetuating these practices on a daily basis and passing down their passion. In this podcast we will meet these lovers of know-how, the faceless people who hold precious knowledge on how to make the fashion and luxury items of tomorrow. Today, we go behind the scenes to hear from these men and women in the wings, who will tell us about their profession, their passion, their desire to pass down a unique know-how. Because now more than ever in France, we need to ensure the continuation of these exceptional professions. Welcome to the podcast Savoir pour faire. For more on the profession of technical director in fashion, find the training courses at in the Luxury and Fashion section.
To enter the House of Jean-Paul Gaultier feels like walking into some kind of spectacle, and entering his personal Haute Couture studio in Paris is particularly exceptional. The Gaultier House is part of a very private club of design houses authorized to take advantage of the Haute Couture label. Located in the heart of Paris, some twenty male and female artisans bring some of the most iconic contemporary French designs to life. All of this happens under the watchful eye of Fanny Thinsselin and Amandine Gonet, the first and second seamstresses in the workshop. And then there is Céline, Céline Têtedoie, who is responsible for finding the workshop’s materials and supplies amidst hundreds of samples of satin, tulle, buttons, and boning. Céline is responsible for all of the designer and the client requests, ensuring that no dream goes unrealized in the House of Jean-Paul Gaultier. Have you ever wondered who is behind the hands that make fashion and luxury items every day? Behind every piece of clothing, every accessory and every object, there are men and women perpetuating these practices on a daily basis and passing down their passion. In this podcast we will meet these lovers of know-how, the faceless people who hold precious knowledge on how to make the fashion and luxury items of tomorrow. Today, we go behind the scenes to hear from these men and women in the wings, who will tell us about their profession, their passion, their desire to pass down a unique know-how. Because now more than ever in France, we need to ensure the continuation of these exceptional professions. Welcome to the podcast Savoir pour faire. For more on the profession of Materials and supplies Manager in fashion, find the training courses at in the Luxury and Fashion section.